Visit from our local newspaper
8. September 2022
Sir Bryan, a regular guest in the Oberkirch hotel and restaurant since 1945, once again made the effort of a trip to Freiburg at the proud age of 98. Before the trip, he had sent his memories of Freiburg in general and the Oberkirch in particular – with some wonderful anecdotes, which we will also report in detail in the next issue of our magazine.
The Badische Zeitung, in the person of its editor James Roederer, took all of this as an opportunity to interview Sir Bryan in our house – the resulting article can be found in the September 7th- issue of the Badische Zeitung.
We are very happy to have welcomed Sir Bryan again and thank him from our side for taking the time to speak to the Badische Zeitung about his love of Freiburg and the Oberkirch, as well as the Minster and its organs .
Find here the article in the Badische Zeitung (free registration required) – in German.
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Hotel Oberkirchs Weinstube
Münsterplatz 22
79098 Freiburg