Thank you, dear guests!

17. October 2022

We would like to thank all our guests for their years of loyalty, many wonderful experiences and inspiring encounters.
You probably got it from the press, the Oberkirch era under my management is drawing to a close. The Oberkirch will continue to exist! None of us can escape the changing times and social changes – including the Oberkirch – but the good spirit will always remain within the walls!
Our house has survived many storms and has often emerged from it stronger. We sincerely ask you to give the successors, who will surely come, a chance.
According to the information we have today, we will find out in the next ten days to what extent the situation will continue and we will then of course inform you.
Understandably, we get a lot of inquiries about vouchers that have been issued – at this point we can already say that these will remain valid under new management and, should, contrary to expectations, no successor be found, we will definitely find a fair solution for you .
Until October 29, 2022, everything in our restaurant will remain as you know and love it – with our extended >autumn menu, which again includes our popular game dishes in the menu selection. Let yourself be pampered with our new game dishes or even a “Châteaubriand” in our cozy wine tavern in the cold, wet autumn weather.
Our restaurant is open Tuesday through Saturday
with a large menu from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
A small afternoon menu from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m
Kind regards
Doris Hun
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Hotel Oberkirchs Weinstube
Münsterplatz 22
79098 Freiburg