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The Oberkirch Magazine 2023
After the turbulent end of 2022 for our house with the change of tenant from Ms. Hunn to Schlegel Gastronomie GmbH, we are very pleased that our guest magazine can be published again
Thank you, dear guests!
The era of Doris Hunn in the Oberkirch is coming to an end
Visit from our local newspaper
On the occasion of Sir Bryan’s visit to the Oberkirch – guest with us since 1945 – out local newspaper interviewed him
New, starting April 25: the «Freiburg-Menu»
Enjoy regional food – an initiative of Freiburg restaurants and the tourism board FWTM
Oberkirch@work... careful renovation works make our old lady shine even more!
Some impressions of rou lovingly renovated rooms
Hotel Oberkirchs Weinstube
Münsterplatz 22
79098 Freiburg