Sweet treats, small and delicious, served in a glass
Classics refined
…or some cheese?
The Classics
Classic cold beverages
Teas and infusions
Coffee and chocolate
…small and delicious
…refined without alcohol
…refined with alcohol
Latte Macchiato
…refined without alcohol
…refined with alcohol
Gin & Tonic
optionally with lime, lemon or a slice of cucumber
…Digestif (2cl)
Salwey Vineyard – Oberrotweil
Franz Keller Vineyard – Oberbergen
Rudmann Distillery – Wasenweiler
Schwörer Vineyard – Durbach
Steinhauser Vineyard, Lake Constance
Rudolphi Premium Brandies – Sinzheim-Vormberg
Calvados (France)
Cognac (France)
Grappa (2cl)
Berta Distillery s.r.l., Mombaruzza, Gianfranco & Enrico Berta
Poli Schiavon Veneto Distillery
Whiskey / Whisky (2 cl)
Whisky – Single Malt – Schottland Highlands
Isle of Arran
Isle of Islay
Food additives:
1) Colouring 2) Antidegradants 3) Antioxidants 4) Flavour enhancer 5) Sulphurated 6) Blackened 7) Waxed 8) Phosphate 9) Sweetener 11) contains caffeine 12) contains chinine