Tip by

Matthias Pohlmann
Towards the sun
Tram line 2 and bus line 21 take you comfortably to the valley station, from where the longest cable car in Germany takes you to Freiburg’s «local mountain» Schauinsland in around 20 minutes. At almost 1,300 meters above sea level, weather permitting, you can enjoy a view of Mont Blanc and the Vosges. Of course, you can also view the city of Freiburg from around 10km away, if the weather conditions permit.

Incidentally, a trip on the Schauinsland cable car is already covered by the «WelcomeKarte» from the Freiburg transport company.
You can find more information about the Schauinslandbahn at http://www.schauinslandbahn.de – more information about the WelcomeKarte on the VAG Freiburg website.
Hotel Oberkirchs Weinstube
Münsterplatz 22
79098 Freiburg
Münsterplatz 22