Comfort in the city centre

Single Comfort Experience

Single Comfort Experience

Single Comfort Experience

Our single rooms «comfort» in the Schusterstraße building are ideal for single travelers who do who enjoy comfort and spacious rooms during their stay – or if you need a little space to work with your laptop. The rooms facing the inner patio offer you the necessary peace and quiet in the centre of the old town. And what could be nicer than listening to the bright voices of the students at the famous «Freiburger Domsingschule», which is on the other side of the courtyard, on a warm summer evening?

Price from €129

including breakfast

free cancellation until 3 days prior to arrival

Cancellation free of charge up to 2 p.m. on the day of arrival is possible for an additional charge

Non-refundable rate available at a discount

The price given applies to individual days in the off-season when booking approx. 1 year in advance, we have daily changing prices

view to an inner patio or the pedestrian zone

room in the Schusterstrasse building

flatscreen tv


in-room tablet

telephone (integrated into the tablet)

room safe

seating-accommodation, escritoire

slippers, bathrobe, free toiletries, fan (ventilator) and kettle on request

Matthias Pohlmann

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Hotel Oberkirchs Weinstube
Münsterplatz 22
79098 Freiburg
Münsterplatz 22